Our Mission, Vision, and Values

After a year of work and consolidation of our initiative, we have defined the principles that give life to comun.al. Our mission, vision and values are based on the reflections in which we have participated and are related to the context to which we belong, where we want to influence a profound transformation that allows us to heal the social fabric, promote autonomy and generate resilience from the feedback across different social movements involved in the defense of human rights in Mexico, Latin America, the Global South and other latitudes.

Something that is implicit in our work is our permanent commitment to dignity, understood as something that is not granted to others but is inherent to all the people with whom we relate, whom we accompany and with whom we weave alliances on our path. We are an openly anti-discrimination initiative, we seek respect for all people regardless of their origin, characteristics, gender identity, their physical or psycho-social conditions and we aim to build spaces free of violence, discrimination or abuses of power. We are committed to building alliances even in dissent (respecting our before mentioned principles) and we promote the resolution of conflicts through non-violence, in order to transform the structures that have diminished the social fabric we inhabit.


Promote the development of critical skills and the use of digital tools for access to justice and social transformation.


To promote transformative justice with a psychosocial perspective, taking advantage of technologies that serve as tools to amplify the scope of our political commitments and promote the building of resilience among social movements.


Co-responsibility, accountability, solidarity, creativity, autonomy, collaboration, resilience.